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WordPress - Page 18

Keep Your Site Relevant With Evergreen Content
  • January 07, 2016
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Do you ever experience a nice traffic bump due to a new blog post, but that traffic quickly fizzles out? Wouldn’t it be nice to get more of a permanent increase in traffic considering all the time you spend writing your content? If so, you should consider an evergreen content strategy. Evergreen content is always timely because it remains relevant and fresh for your readers. It does not become obsolete.

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4 New Features In WordPress v4.4
  • December 16, 2015
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Version 4.4 of WordPress has launched! It’s nicknamed Clifford, not after the big red dog, but rather the jazz trumpeter Clifford Brown. Many of the changes you’ll see in WordPress 4.4 are focused on making your site more responsive, allowing it to look attractive regardless of the device it is viewed on.

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Boost Your WordPress Performance With WP Rocket Hosting
  • November 19, 2015
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One of our main goals at A2 Hosting is to make sure you get the fastest page load speeds possible. WordPress is one of the software solutions in particular we help you speed up. Free SSDs, up to 20X faster Turbo Servers and our A2 Optimized setup featuring WordPress pre-configured with the best performance settings are a few ways we help you get peak performance.

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Auto-Optimizing Your Favorite Software!
  • September 30, 2015
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It’s been just over a year since we launched A2 Optimized WordPress. The goal of A2 Optimized WordPress was to take the guesswork out of how to get the fastest page loads and most secure settings. It is safe to say A2 Optimized WordPress has been a success with optimized WordPress sites loading up to 6X faster than non-optimized sites. A2 Optimized WordPress is available on all of our Hosting packages and we have since have made it available to all WordPress users regardless of their host (with a few feature limitations).

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Keeping Your Shared Hosting Account Secure With Patchman
  • July 31, 2015
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According to a recently published Google study, hacked sites are up 180% over the past year. In an effort to help keep your websites and account from becoming another victim, we are excited to announce that we are rolling out our new security solution called Patchman. Patchman is a multi-function security tool that provide the following 3 services free of charge! We are rolling out Patchman on all Shared SSD Hosting accounts and on HDD servers numbered 81+. As Patchman requires cPanel, we are also investigating ways to offer this service on our Reseller, VPS and Dedicated Servers as well.

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Contributing To WordPress’ Five For The Future Movement
  • February 27, 2015
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In 2014 Matt Mullenweg, founder of Automattic, announced a plan to ensure the growth and stability of WordPress in the future as a free open source platform with ‘Five for the Future’. Essentially any company deriving revenue from WordPress should concentrate 5% of their time and energy generally devoted to WordPress related work to helping improve WordPress Core. “Improving WordPress Core” is a very generalized statement, it can encompass anything from developing for WordPress, documenting WordPress, training the community or even responding to questions in the WP forum.

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Where Did My WordPress Plugins Go?
  • October 22, 2014
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From time to time, our support team receives the following question:

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A2 Optimized – 6X Faster WordPress Page Loads
  • September 19, 2014
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It shouldn’t come as a surprise WordPress users really care about page load speed and website security. After all, page load speed impacts everything from your bounce rates, conversion rates, page views and Google rankings. On the security side, over 10 million websites are hacked each year and the total cost to fix those hacks are rapidly escalating.

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Staying Away From WordPress Security Plugins
  • August 21, 2014
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When searching through all of the potential plugins to install on your WordPress site, you may notice that many of the popular plugins have to do with security. This may seem very tempting to let a plugin handle all of your security needs for your site but, security plugins forget one important fact about the web: if your site is too slow for people to navigate it, people won’t visit your site.

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How To Make Your WordPress Site Slower
  • July 25, 2014
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WordPress is a pretty straightforward content management system (CMS) for blogging. It’s fairly quick out of the box, but WordPress has a community of developers that have made plugins to allow WordPress to do pretty much anything you want. The downside of having so many options for plugins is that we, as webmasters, tend to want to install every plugin we can get our hands on.

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