The A2 Posting The Official Blog for A2 Hosting Fri, 26 Jul 2024 20:12:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 All In on WordPress: How Open Source and WordPress Changed Our Lives Fri, 26 Jul 2024 20:08:58 +0000 It’s hard to think about a time before open source operating systems and content management systems because they have so dramatically changed the landscape of websites and hosting. However, WordPress …

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It’s hard to think about a time before open source operating systems and content management systems because they have so dramatically changed the landscape of websites and hosting.

However, WordPress and the open source community have fundamentally changed how websites are hosted and content is managed.

I sat down with Bryan Muthig, founder and CEO of A2 Hosting, and Aaron Campbell, Director of Product, to talk about the impact of open source over the last several decades.

We also talk about how WordPress has been critical to A2 Hosting’s success. It’s why we are committed to supporting WordPress and fostering a robust community for designers, developers, agencies, and businesses.

A2 Hosting’s Commitment to WordPress and Open Source

A2 Hosting has been in business for 21 years – the same amount of time WordPress has been around. From the gaze of a hosting company, we discuss how WordPress has evolved to become the dominant content management system over that time. This has led A2 Hosting to continually prioritize WordPress hosting plans and solutions.

Talking about our commitment to WordPress, Byran said, “WordPress is the dominant CMS in the hosting space and the vast majority of our customers use it. So it’s only natural that A2 Hosting is committed to providing the best WordPress experience possible.”

He continued, “I still go look at support tickets because I want to understand what our customers are feeling. To see the problems that they’re seeing.”

Aaron added, “Focusing on our customers has led us more into the WordPress space. It’s a critical tool to allowing smaller and mid-sized businesses compete on the global scale.”

“If I had to describe WordPress in one word, it would be open… open source, open community, open to anybody contributing.”
Bryan Muthig
Founder & CEO, A2 Hosting

The Value of Open Source and WordPress

A2 Hosting has a long history of supporting WordPress and open-source technologies. Our team has a deep understanding of how these platforms provide tailored solutions for our customers.

Constant collaboration and innovation have made open source communities like WordPress so valuable. Users can work together to develop solutions and implement changes that anyone can take advantage of.

Within WordPress specifically, community-developed plugins and themes allow you to customize your website quickly and easily.

“It’s that network effect that really helped add value to the WordPress ecosystem,” said Bryan.

Talking about his own experiences, Aaron added, “I saw the community-led effort to grow WordPress early on. I knew this was the right direction and that’s when I went all in on WordPress.”

This collaborative success is why A2 Hosting remains focused on WordPress today. It allows businesses to quickly scale their content and web presence.

Importance of WordPress in Web Hosting

As it’s grown over the last twenty years, WordPress has become a critical tool in website development. It helps small and mid-sized businesses and agencies compete on a bigger scale than they were ever able to before.

According to Bryan, WordPress dramatically changed the landscape of websites and hosting.

“WordPress democratized the web in the sense that anybody could download it for free and set up a website.”

Continuing, he added, “We take it for granted at this point, but it revolutionized the way we build websites.”

Not only has it shortened and simplified the development and launch cycle for new websites, but it also makes managing and maintaining them easier and more efficient.

According to Aaron, WordPress and other open source solutions “have played an important part, not just in the web’s growth, but in the continued health of the web.”

“I can say with confidence that I would not be where I am without open source.”
Aaron Campbell
Director of Product, A2 Hosting

The Ongoing Impact of Open Source and WordPress on A2 Hosting

A2 Hosting remains focused on providing the highest quality website hosting solutions for our customers.

“From a hosting standpoint, we want to provide the fastest servers possible so your visitors get a phenomenal front-end experience,” said Bryan.

While we do offer other hosting options, we are absolutely all in on WordPress. From a variety of WordPress hosting options to our state-of-the-art control panel, TurboHub, we are proud to be a leader in this space.

This also means adapting over time. We will prioritize developing tools that streamline managing multiple WordPress sites for agencies and developers. We are also committed to providing hardware options that allow our customers to thrive in the WordPress and open source communities.

Join Us on YouTube for More Conversations About WordPress, Hosting, and More

Subscribe to the A2 Hosting channel on YouTube as we continue to explore opportunities in website hosting, development, and marketing.

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WordPress Security Made Easy With TurboHub Mon, 22 Jul 2024 21:06:26 +0000 Keeping your website safe and secure is more important than ever. If you manage multiple sites, you know it can be overwhelming to keep all those websites up to date. …

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Keeping your website safe and secure is more important than ever. If you manage multiple sites, you know it can be overwhelming to keep all those websites up to date. And it can be even more confusing if you manage your own WordPress website.

But TurboHub, our exclusive dashboard for WordPress sites, gives you a snapshot of your security status and makes detecting vulnerabilities and updating your protection as easy as one click.

Whether you take care of your own website or are an agency or web developer who manages dozens of sites, TurboHub makes reviewing security status and making the necessary updates a breeze.

Advanced WordPress Security From One Easy-To-Use Dashboard

The TurboHub security tab is the fastest and easiest way to keep your site safe. Whether you manage one website or 1,000, it is vital for monitoring site health and security.

Loaded with features to keep you secure, you can quickly review potential threats in one convenient place. Verify your SSL certificates, make sure malware detection and proactive defenses are enabled, and review potential threats.

Plus, TurboHub recommends actions to eliminate security vulnerabilities. From salt key status to inactive plugins or themes, you can take immediate action directly from the control panel. In most cases, you can enhance your security with one click.

What Is TurboHub?

TurboHub is A2 Hosting’s exclusive control panel for WordPress sites. Designed to make managing and protecting WordPress sites easier, it offers comprehensive metrics about the performance, health, and security of your websites.

Improve your efficiency and workflow by reviewing all of your A2 Hosting WordPress sites in one place. Easily view current performance and security snapshots, review recommendations, and make improvements and updates across all of your sites.

TurboHub Security Features

WordPress site security is one of the core features of the TurboHub control panel. From proactive defense to security best practices, it puts the top security features at your fingertips.

SSL Status & Proactive Defense

When it comes to website security, you need to be proactive. TurboHub’s SSL status and proactive defense indicators ensure your SSL certificate is valid and your malware and proactive security defense are active.

SSL, or Secure Sockets Layer, is the industry standard in data encryption for information transferred between a web server and a web browser. It protects online transactions and personal information, ensuring data privacy over the Internet.

A valid SSL certificate tells web browsers – and your customers – that your website follows SSL protocols for secure data transfer, keeping them safe.

Malware and proactive security defenses protect your website against malicious attacks that can hijack your website or steal customer data.

Advanced Website Hosting Protection

TurboHub allows you to instantly validate the status of your firewall and DDoS and brute force protection. These ensure you are safe against attacks designed to gain access to your web server.

A firewall is a digital barrier that blocks unauthorized access to your sites from cyber threats. When active, they block malicious traffic based on predefined security rules.

Reinforced Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) protection prevents malicious attempts to attack your website and take them offline. DDoS attacks use multiple compromised computer systems to slow down or even crash websites, preventing access to legitimate users.

Brute force protection shields against relentless attacks attempting to log into your system. Attackers will systematically try to guess passwords, encryption keys, or other secret information. Brute force attacks are typically automated, allowing them to rapidly test millions of combinations.

A2 Recommended Actions

TurboHub also includes a number of A2 Hosting recommended security actions, like locking editing abilities on plugins and themes or bcrypt password hashing. These recommendations improve your overall website security, lowering the risk that hackers can access your site data.

Common recommendations include:

  • Locking the editing for plugins and themes from WP Admin to prevent the misuse of built-in editing capabilities for malicious purposes.
  • Deny direct access to configuration files to block bots and web users from directly accessing and potentially exploiting WordPress config files.
  • Remove old wp-config.php backups to eliminate unnecessary files with potentially sensitive information.
  • Use bcrypt password hashing for a more secure password storing and hashing method.
  • Disable XML-RPC services to close a possible entryway a hacker could exploit your site.

You can easily toggle these options on or off from the TurboHub security panel to fit your security needs and keep your website data safe.

Best Security Practices

TurboHub also analyzes your website to ensure you are following the best security practices. You can identify potential vulnerabilities at a glance and take action to secure your sites. Simply review the recommended security updates and follow the instructions to implement these improvements.

When necessary, TurboHub will recommend the following actions:

  • Regenerate salt key passwords to protect your account even if your login cookies are compromised.
  • Check for and remove insecure SQL backups and files that could be accessed by hackers.
  • Reduce potential vulnerabilities and improve site performance by removing unused plugins and unused WordPress themes.

Just follow the steps associated with each best practice to protect your site.

More TurboHub Features Coming Soon

Committed to the fastest and most reliable hosting solutions, A2 Hosting developed TurboHub to streamline WordPress site performance and management.

From personal sites and hobby projects to agencies and developers managing client sites, it offers features that simplest updates and makes everyone a performance and security expert.

But we aren’t done yet. We have an exciting lineup of advancements that will enhance your workflow and your websites.

A2 Intelligent Performance

Optimize your site’s performance with the power of AI. A2 Intelligent Performance monitors critical performance indicators to keep your site performing at its best. Easily review the data and make the most informed decisions about your site’s speed and reliability.

A2 AI Assistant Inside WordPress

Launch new websites quickly and easily with our AI co-pilot. Exclusive to TurboHub, our A2 AI Assistant for WordPress writes content, generates images, and can even design page layouts. Trained on WordPress help documentation, it will answer common questions and help you get the most out of your WordPress site.

Enhanced Staging

Our upcoming enhanced staging feature makes developing, testing, and deploying website updates a snap. This robust tub maximizes compatibility by recording changes on both staging and live sites. And the advanced 2-way sync ensures changes are mirrored in both environments.

Enhance Your Website Security With TurboHub

Enhance site security and improve your site performance with TurboHub for WordPress from A2 Hosting. Quickly review potential security risks and easily make improvements to protect your website. Streamline your WordPress site management today. TurboHub is available on all A2 Hosting WordPress hosting plans.

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Webinar: Learn Why Website Accessibility Is Important & How To Sell It to Your Clients Fri, 12 Jul 2024 17:22:11 +0000 Accessibility is becoming a hot topic, and with a changing legal landscape there are new compliance requirements for many sites. A2 Hosting is proud to partner with Bet Hannon, CEO …

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Accessibility is becoming a hot topic, and with a changing legal landscape there are new compliance requirements for many sites.

A2 Hosting is proud to partner with Bet Hannon, CEO of AccessiCart, for an exciting discussion about the importance of accessibility for websites.

Join us on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 12:00 PM ET / 9:00 AM PT for this free webinar. This workshop is meant for business owners, agencies, and web designers.

Register Now to secure your spot and learn more about website accessibility.

Website Accessibility Webinar Highlights

This workshop will briefly review what’s included in accessibility, overview the changing compliance requirements, share resources for beginning to implement accessibility, and offer suggestions for starting to sell accessibility to clients.

  • Understanding Accessibility: A brief overview of what accessibility encompasses and why it’s essential.
  • Compliance Requirements: An update on the latest changes in accessibility compliance.
  • Resources for Implementation: Valuable tools and resources to begin your journey towards a more accessible website.
  • Selling Accessibility: Strategies for advocating accessibility to clients and stakeholders.

About Our Presenter Bet Hannon

Bet Hannon is the CEO of AccessiCart, an accessibility services agency that supports site owners and agencies in improving accessibility of their sites. She is a past contributor to the WordPress project and is a co-organizer of her local WordPress Meetup in Bend, Oregon.

Why Attend?

  • Gain insights into the importance of web accessibility and its legal implications.
  • Learn practical steps to start implementing accessibility on your websites.
  • Discover how to communicate the value of accessibility to clients effectively.
  • See how accessibility improvements will positively impact your business.

Don’t miss this opportunity to learn more about improving your website accessibility. Whether you are a site owner, developer, or agency representative, this webinar will provide you with knowledge and actionable strategies that will help grow your business.


Register Now


Title: Understanding & Selling Accessibility for Client Sites

Date: Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Time: 12:00 PM ET / 9:00 AM PT

What Is Website Accessibility?

Website accessibility refers to sites that design for people with a wide range of abilities and disabilities. This includes individuals with visual, auditory, motor, cognitive, and other impairments.

The goal of an accessible website is to ensure that all users, regardless of their abilities, can perceive, understand, navigate, interact with, and contribute to the web.

Since 2020, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has maintained the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The W3C regularly updates the guidelines to include the latest resources and best practices.

The current WCAG 2.2 guidelines offers a variety of recommendations designed to make your web content more accessible to all. These guidelines cover a range of disabilities, including blindness and low-vision, deafness and hearing loss, speech disabilities, and more.

The WCAG outlines the four foundational principles for Web accessibility: perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. It also includes guidelines for making your web content accessible to as many people as possible.

Common Accessibility Practices

Making your website or eCommerce store more accessible might seem overwhelming. However, even small changes can make significant improvements.

Here are a few tips to enhance accessibility for your websites:

  • Make sure users can easily navigate your website using only the Tab and Enter keys.
  • Write detailed but concise alt text for product photos for screen reads to read aloud.
  • Optimize your website for screen readers by using concise language and a logical content structure.
  • Use high-contrast colors and appropriate font typefaces and sizes for maximum readability.
  • Provide clear and specific error messages on forms so users understand the issue.
  • Include captions and transcripts for audio and video content.

For more information and tips, Bet Hannon has a great article about how to make eCommerce websites more accessible.

Why Accessibility Matters

To a certain extent, improving your website accessibility is about being more inclusive. And there is a legal precedent as well.

However, most accessibility improvements offer significant business benefits, including better SEO performance. They also make websites more user-friendly for everyone, which can lead to higher conversion rates and more sales.

Here are the top reasons you should consider making accessibility upgrades to your website:

  • Inclusivity: It ensures that everyone, including people with disabilities, can access and use web content.
  • Legal Compliance: Many regions have laws and regulations that require websites to be accessible.
  • Improved Reach and Performance: Accessible websites reach a broader audience, improve SEO, and enhance user satisfaction.
  • Better User Experience: Accessibility improvements often lead to a better overall user experience for everyone, including those without disabilities.

Agencies and web designers should also encourage clients to include accessibility strategies during website build-out, upgrades, and maintenance.

And don’t miss our webinar Understanding & Selling Accessibility for Client Sites with Bet Hannon of AccessiCart on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 at 12:00 PM ET / 9:00 AM PT. Register Now for this free workshop and learn how to increase sales and conversions with better accessibility practices.

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Simplifying WordPress Site Management for Agencies with TurboHub Thu, 11 Jul 2024 13:21:42 +0000 Do you spend more time reporting on the performance and site health of your client’s websites than actually improving them? Are you tired of installing necessary but repetitive updates individually …

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Do you spend more time reporting on the performance and site health of your client’s websites than actually improving them? Are you tired of installing necessary but repetitive updates individually for each site you manage? 

If you manage multiple sites, you know how much of a hassle it is to keep them up-to-date and secure. A2 Hosting’s new cutting-edge agency management control panel, TurboHub, is here to help!

TurboHub offers robust features that streamline site management for agencies and developers. Not only does it simplify your workflow and client onboarding process, but you can now update all of the sites you manage with just one click.

What Is TurboHub?

TurboHub is our new state-of-the-art control panel for WordPress sites. It not only speeds up site performance but also makes it easy to manage multiple sites from a single screen.

TurboHub is an essential tool for agencies and developers who manage multiple sites. It provides comprehensive metrics about each site’s performance, health, and security.

Plus, you can improve performance and bulk update WordPress plugins on all of your sites with one click. This saves you time while ensuring that your client’s sites are running at peak performance and security.

Features Designed for Agencies and Developers

Designed with agencies and developers in mind, Turbohub eliminates the hassle and headache of managing sites separately. It allows you to track all of your A2 Hosting sites in one place and makes updates and performance checks a breeze.

Improve Your Workflow

TurboHub makes your workflow more efficient. Quickly review all of your A2 Hosting WordPress sites in one easy-to-use control panel. Check site performance and health, then easily roll out updates across all sites. 

Intuitive User Management System

Manage, add, or remove users for all the sites you manage. Set user permissions and control separate access levels for each account you manage.

Streamline Client Onboarding

If your clients also use A2 Hosting, they can easily add you to their accounts with TurboHub. This can dramatically simplify your onboarding and initial site review processes. Have your client add you to their account through the TurboHub user management system.

Bulk Plugin Management

Elevate your plugin update process with TurboHub. Simply review the updates for all your clients or sites from one dashboard. Select all or choose individual updates and deploy them across each site with ease. You can even switch to maintenance mode or hide the site from search engines during the update process.

Site Status at a Glance

Quickly review site status and performance from a single dashboard. Easily check if your sites are online and running and verify SSL, domain, and nameserver status. Plus, you can automate site maintenance across all the sites you manage with just a click.

Optimize Site Performance

Easily implement performance enhancements to speed up sites. TurboHub analyzes each site and recommends improvements to boost performance. Then quickly deploy changes with just one click.

More Powerful TurboHub Features for Agencies

From improving communication between your team to identifying security vulnerabilities, there is so much more to TurboHub. Here are some of the other powerful features we included with agencies and developers in mind:

  • Quickly scan for security vulnerabilities.
  • Communicate between team members or companies with the site notes feature.
  • Automate plugin updates for each site.
  • Hide sites from search engines while under construction.
  • Place sites in maintenance mode during edits.
  • Quickly access all of your WordPress sites from one location.

How Do I Get TurboHub?

TurboHub is available now and is included free with all A2 Hosting WordPress plans. You can access TurboHub and start speeding up your site management through your MyA2 panel.

Ready to experience the benefits of a faster, more efficient WordPress site? Simply choose one of our plans for instant access to TurboHub. It is included with our Managed WordPress, Managed VPS, Managed Dedicated, and Shared plans.

Don’t have an A2 plan? Get started with TurboHub today!

What’s Next for TurboHub?

A2 Hosting has always been committed to the fastest, most reliable website hosting solutions and the best tools available. And these TubroHub features are just the beginning.

Stay tuned for future updates that will speed up your website, keep it more secure, and simplify managing multiple sites at the same time. Here is a quick look at upcoming improvements on the TurboHub roadmap:

A2 Intelligent Performance (Coming July 2024)

Use advanced AI technology to automatically optimize your site’s performance. This upcoming feature monitors load times and other critical performance indicators to ensure your site is always performing at its best. This will help you make informed decisions to continuously improve your site’s speed and reliability.

A2 AI Assistant Inside WordPress

Improve your content with high-quality AI content from inside WordPress. Our exclusive TurboHub AI assistant for WordPress will help speed up creating and launching new sites. Acting as your co-pilot, it will write content, generate images,  and even design page layouts. Plus, it’s trained on WordPress help documentation, so it can answer common questions and help you learn more about the system.

Enhanced Staging

The enhanced staging feature streamlines developing, testing, and deploying website updates. This robust staging tool records changes to both staging and live sites for maximum compatibility. The 2-way sync ensures only the changes are pushed live without overwriting your data.

Get Started With TurboHub Today

TurboHub is the ultimate solution for managing multiple WordPress sites, especially for agencies and developers. With its robust features and seamless integration, TurboHub simplifies workflow, enhances site performance, and ensures site security. Get started with TurboHub today and experience the future of WordPress site management.

Experience Reliable Hosting with our 99% Uptime guarantee .

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Exciting Updates to Our Dedicated Hosting Service Wed, 03 Jul 2024 16:59:08 +0000 We are thrilled to share some fantastic news! A2 Hosting has just launched a major refresh of our dedicated hosting product lineup. Our new managed dedicated servers come packed with …

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We are thrilled to share some fantastic news! A2 Hosting has just launched a major refresh of our dedicated hosting product lineup. Our new managed dedicated servers come packed with state-of-the-art hardware and cutting-edge features that put us ahead of the competition.

From improved server performance to advanced security protection, we have made significant updates to our dedicated hosting plans. Whether you’re a new customer who requires top-tier hosting or an existing client ready to upgrade, we have the latest and greatest in hosting technology for you.

What is Dedicated Hosting?

Dedicated hosting is a premium hosting solution where an entire server is allocated to a single client. It is ideal for businesses that need more horsepower, and require high levels of security, consistent uptime, and the ability to handle large volumes of traffic.

With dedicated hosting you get:

  • Complete Control Over Your Exclusive Server
  • High powered server
  • Highest Level of Security and Protection
  • Priority Support from our Guru Crew Support Team

Changes in our Dedicated Hosting Lineup

The hosting industry is always evolving, with new technological advancements constantly emerging. As a leader in the hosting space, A2 Hosting is committed to providing our customers with the best possible service. All of our dedicated hosting plans now include the latest and most powerful hardware available on the market.

By updating our dedicated hosting plans and their servers, we ensure that your websites and applications run smoother and faster than ever before. These hardware upgrades are designed to support the most resource-intensive tasks, providing you with a significant performance boost and the ability to handle even the most demanding workloads.

Improved Performance

The new dedicated servers will use new and improved hardware, including the latest high-speed RAM, high-performance SSD storage, and faster processor speeds.

  • High-speed DDR5 RAM: Not all RAM is created equal. We have the latest and fastest in our servers. 
  • High-performance NVMe storage: These drives offer the fastest access to your data.
  • More powerful CPUs:  Our new CPUs have extremely high clock speed, which means every process runs faster – the MOST performant way to serve your website. Warp 1 and 2 plans utilize high-powered Ryzen 5 processors and Warp 3 uses the top-of-the-line EPYC processor.


Dedicated Hosting Plan options chart. Features Warp Turbo 1, Warp Turbo 2, Warp Turbo 3New Dedicated Hosting Plans Offered

Enhanced Security Features

Server security is critical. We are enhancing our built-in security features with more frequent checks and new outgoing email scans to keep our customers safer.

  • Daily Malware Scanning: Warp 2 and Warp 3 Plans will now include an upgraded feature for daily malware scanning instead of the weekly scanning originally included. Warp 1 will still include the weekly scanning option. 
  • Outgoing Email Scanning: We have added outgoing email scanning to every dedicated plan. This will protect your server’s email sending reputation to ensure consistent and reliable delivery of emails.

TurboHub Availability

TurboHub, our new control panel for WordPress sites, is now offered on all new dedicated plans. TurboHub improves site performance and streamlines managing your WordPress sites.

TurboHub features include:

  • Site Performance Optimizations
  • Single-Click Multi-Site Management
  • Site Health Monitoring
  • Security Vulnerability Scanning

Phase out of Unmanaged Plans

At A2 Hosting, our goal is always the best customer experience possible. However, many customers found our unmanaged hosting plans frustrating. As such, we are phasing out our unmanaged dedicated server plans.

By focusing on managed servers, we can offer a hassle-free hosting experience with top-notch support and expert management. Managed Hosting plans give customers a worry-free experience with unparalleled performance and reliability.

This change only applies to plans moving forward. It does not impact existing customers with unmanaged dedicated hosting plans. If you want to move to a managed dedicated plan, contact your sales representative to learn about our hosting options.

Chart outlining differences in managed servers (100% worry free) and Unmanaged servers (DIY you're on your own.)

Managed vs unmanaged servers explained

Turbo on All Plans

Previously only available on our highest-tier plans, all our Dedicated plans now include our high-speed Turbo Server technology! 

Turbo plans are built for speed and feature a superior software stack, upgraded server hardware, advanced caching software, optimized configurations, and a variety of performance add-ons combined to give you one of the fastest web hosting experiences out there. 

Get Started with A2’s All-New Dedicated Hosting Plans

Our dedicated hosting service at A2 Hosting has undergone a significant transformation to provide you with the highest level of performance, security, and convenience. With upgraded hardware, enhanced security features, and the inclusion of TurboHub along with the added Turbo Server technology across all plans, we are committed to delivering a superior hosting experience that meets the evolving needs of our customers.

The new plans are now live on our website. New customers can purchase by contacting our sales team through email, chat, or ticket support. Current customers can reach out to sales to see how they can upgrade their plan to the new servers.

Get started with dedicated hosting today and experience the A2 difference—faster, safer, and more reliable than ever before.

Experience Reliable Hosting with our 99% Uptime guarantee .

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Announcing A2 Hosting’s New Community Growth Team: Another Step Forward in Our WordPress Commitment Mon, 24 Jun 2024 14:23:12 +0000 At A2 Hosting, our long-term focus is dedicated to all things WordPress. We’re committed to building and delivering unparalleled customer experiences for the world’s leading CMS and becoming the go-to …

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At A2 Hosting, our long-term focus is dedicated to all things WordPress. We’re committed to building and delivering unparalleled customer experiences for the world’s leading CMS and becoming the go-to industry expert in WordPress hosting.

Our Commitment to WordPress: We’re All In

“We grew up with WordPress,” said Bryan Muthig, CEO/Founder of A2 Hosting. “Everything we’re doing as a company is focused on WordPress, leveraging our 21 years of experience and expertise. From product development and support to hiring, training, and marketing, every aspect of our business is designed to enhance the WordPress experience.”

Those efforts are focused on our key customers, or customer partners: WordPress agencies and web professionals who build, launch, and maintain WordPress projects for their clients.

Introducing Our New Community Growth Team

We’re excited to announce the formation of our new Community Growth Team, a testament to our commitment to supporting our key customer partners. This team is led by veteran WordPress community leaders Cory Miller, as Chief Evangelist, and Katie Richards, as our Community Growth Project Manager.

“The closer we stay to our customers, the better it’s going to be for everyone. If our customers win, we win. It always starts with our customers — it always has and it always will,” said Bryan Muthig. “This team led by exceptional WordPress veterans, Cory and Katie, is another step in showing our deep commitment to WordPress and our customers.”

Cory Miller

Cory brings a wealth of experience and a passion for WordPress and WP businesses, since 2006. As a veteran entrepreneur, his leadership, vision, and values will drive our efforts to connect with and support our customer partners as well as tell their stories and ours.

“I’ve known Cory for a long time and seen what he’s accomplished in WordPress, first building some of the first commercial products for WordPress at iThemes, then growing community at Post Status, it’s always his passion for people, especially entrepreneurs and business owners, that resonates most with me,” said A2’s COO Paul Carter. “And as we were looking to expand our commitment in the WordPress community and specifically to WordPress agencies and web professionals, there was no one better to lead our efforts.”

Katie Richards

Katie Richards, our Community Growth Project Manager, has successfully overseen WordPress community initiatives and shown strong project management abilities across numerous projects and companies in the WordPress space. Her expertise in community engagement, organization, and leadership will be crucial in building strong, lasting relationships with our agency partners and web professionals.

“From her work at Post Status to her community efforts helping organize WordCamp Grand Rapids to WordPress US, I’ve seen Katie be an absolute force in the WordPress community. And I’m ecstatic to have her join us here at A2,” said Aaron Campbell, A2’s Director of Product and veteran WordPress contributor. “What resonates most to me is how she does her work. It’s human-focused and thus purposeful and impactful.”

The Work of Our A2 Community Growth Team: It’s About Our Agency Partners

Our Community Growth Team’s mission is simple yet impactful: Show up as your agency’s essential partner in your business and work.

Your success is our success.

This team will do that by focusing on three key areas:

  • Connection — As your partner, champion and advocate, we will be building deeper, more supportive relationships with WordPress agencies and web professionals.
  • Community — Building mutually beneficial experiences for our customer-partners, both online and in-person, through WordCamps and our own events.
  • Content — Creating impactful WordPress agency content and resources to support our partners in their work as well as sharing our news and initiatives for them.

Moving Forward Together

Our new Community Growth Team is a significant step forward in our commitment to WordPress and our customer partners. We believe that by fostering connection, community, and content, we can create a supportive ecosystem that benefits everyone involved.

Thank you for being a part of the A2 Hosting family. Together, we can build a brighter future for WordPress and achieve great things.

Stay tuned for more updates and initiatives from our new A2 Community Growth Team. We look forward to working closely with you and supporting your success every step of the way.

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Essential Features to Look for in Blogging Platforms Tue, 11 Jun 2024 14:51:28 +0000 If you’re looking to start a blog, the first and most important step is to choose the right platform. Whether you want to build an audience, monetize your content, or …

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If you’re looking to start a blog, the first and most important step is to choose the right platform. Whether you want to build an audience, monetize your content, or showcase your portfolio, the platform you pick can make all the difference.

As a beginner, you’ll want a blog hosting platform that’s simple and user-friendly yet powerful enough to grow with you. But with so many options out there, how do you choose the perfect one?

In this article, we’ll cover the top features you need to look for in a blogging platform, compare popular options like WordPress, Squarespace, and Wix, and discuss the benefits of hosting with a dedicated provider. 

Choosing the Right Blogging Platform: What to Consider 

From cost and customization to control and scalability, each of these elements plays an important role in the success and growth of your blog:


Balancing cost with features is crucial when selecting a blogging platform. While there are plenty of free and cheap options available, not all of them offer comprehensive tools or flexibility. 

If you’re a beginner, you’ll want to prioritize your budget, but also keep in mind that you may need to upgrade as your blog grows. Look for platforms that offer scalable pricing options, so you can adjust your plan as needed without breaking the bank.

Themes and Templates

By choosing a responsive and professional-looking theme, you can make a great first impression on your readers. 

Setting up your website is much easier if you have access to pre-built themes and templates. Instead of starting from scratch, you just need to choose a theme that fits your niche and customize it to match your branding. Platforms that offer a wide range of customization options, including the ability to change colors, fonts, and layouts, will be your best bet. 

When your blog grows, you may need to add new pages or sections. Being able to reuse templates simplifies this process, allowing you to maintain a consistent look and feel across your site. 

Content Editor

The content editor is where you’ll spend most of your time creating and formatting your blog posts, so choose a platform with a reliable editing system. 

WordPress is a popular choice for its user-friendly editor that’s perfect for beginners and experienced bloggers. With a wide range of formatting options and customization features, WordPress makes it easy to create engaging and visually appealing content. 


When you start blogging, you’ll need plenty of storage for all your multimedia content. That’s why it’s important to choose a platform that offers scalable storage options so you can upgrade your blog’s storage capacity without having to switch to a different platform. 

To ensure scalability, opt for a platform that offers Solid-State Drive (SSD) and Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) storage options. These types of storage offer faster performance, which can help your blog load faster and improve the user experience. 

Security Features

To protect your content and your readers’ information from threats like data breaches and malware, you’ll need to adopt some essential security measures. 

For starters, a free Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is a must-have for every blogger. This certificate encrypts the data between your blog and your readers’ devices, ensuring that any sensitive information is protected.

Another essential security feature is protection against DDoS attacks, which can overwhelm your blog with bot traffic, causing it to crash or become unavailable. By having security measures in place to prevent DDoS attacks, your blog remains accessible, even during high-traffic periods. 

Security features also play a crucial role in building trust with your readers. If your blog isn’t secure, it can damage your reputation and discourage readers from visiting your site. 

SEO Features

Once your blog is live, you might find yourself wondering how to attract the right visitors. That’s where Search Engine Optimization (SEO) comes in. 

SEO is all about optimizing your blog to rank higher in search engine results, which can bring you more traffic. But SEO can be a bit tricky to navigate, especially for beginners. 

That’s why you should choose a blogging platform that offers SEO features, such as customizable meta tags, SEO-friendly URLs, and sitemap generation. These features can help you optimize your blog for search engines and improve your visibility online. 


When you start a blog, there’s no way to tell how much it’ll grow or how much traffic it might receive. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose blog hosting platforms that prioritize scalability and can easily accommodate more traffic as you grow. 

Opting for scalable hosting solutions means you’ll never have to worry about website downtime or losing visitors due to other technical issues. 

Extensions and Integrations

Extensions and integrations can really take your blog to the next level, as they allow you to add new features and functionality. 

One of the great things about platforms like WordPress is their vast ecosystem of plugins. These plugins cover every functionality you can imagine, from SEO and analytics to eCommerce and social media. Some useful plugins for bloggers include:

    • Rank Math: Optimize your blog for search engines, making it easier for readers to find your content. 
    • Akismet: Protect your blog from spam comments, ensuring a clean and user-friendly experience for your readers.
    • Jetpack: Optimize site speed, bolster security, and enhance your blog’s functionality with features like improved search capabilities, social media sharing, and customizable content delivery. 


Analytics offer valuable insights into your audience’s behavior, giving you the power to make data-driven decisions about your content strategy. 

By using analytics to track your blog’s performance, you can identify trends and patterns using real-time data, such as which types of content are most popular and which times of day your audience is most active. 

Many blogging platforms, including WordPress, provide robust analytics support and integrations, allowing you to track your blog’s performance easily. 

Monetization Tools 

Monetizing your blog can be a great way to earn income from your content. For instance, you can display ads on your blog to earn money based on clicks or impressions, or collaborate with brands to create paid posts. 

One of the most straightforward ways of monetizing your website is to set up an eCommerce store. For example, if you’re using WordPress, you’d achieve this by installing the WooCommerce plugin, which integrates with various payment gateways and other extensions.  This way, you can easily sell products and services directly from your website and set up different pricing structures, such as one-time payments and subscriptions.

Exploring the Top Blogging Platforms

To help you find the perfect platform for your blogging needs, we’ve put together a list of the best blogging platforms and highlighted their unique features. 


WordPress Homepage

WordPress Homepage

WordPress is a popular platform for bloggers of all skill levels. Its extensive range of themes, plugins, and customization options cater to various blogging needs, making it a versatile choice for building a WordPress site. Additionally, the platform’s large community provides constant support and updates. 

Top features: 

  • Extensive Plugin Library: Enhance your blog’s functionality, security, and design with a wide range of plugins. 
  • SEO Tools: Boost your blog’s visibility in search engine results. 
  • Blogging-Specific Themes: Choose from a variety of professional-looking themes designed specifically for blogging.
  • Community Support: Seek help and guidance from a large community of users whenever you need it.
  • Easy Content Management: Manage your blog’s content with ease, thanks to WordPress’ user-friendly interface.


Drupal Homepage

Drupal Homepage

Drupal is the top choice for bloggers who need advanced customization. Although it may have a steeper learning curve than other platforms, developers favor Drupal for its scalability and adaptability, making it ideal for large projects and growing blogs. 

Top features: 

  • Advanced Content Management Capabilities: Use Drupal’s powerful tools to manage your blog’s content with ease. 
  • Customizable User Permissions: Collaborate with multiple authors by adjusting user permissions to suit your needs. 
  • Scalability for Growing Blogs: As your blog grows, Drupal manages high traffic volumes without affecting performance. 
  • Robust Security Features: Protect your blog with advanced security features and enjoy peace of mind. 


Joomla Homepage

Joomla Homepage

Joomla strikes a balance between WordPress’s ease of use and Drupal’s complexity. It’s perfect for bloggers wanting more flexibility than what WordPress provides but without diving into Drupal’s intricacies. With its user-friendly interface and strong community support, Joomla is a reliable choice. 

Top features: 

  • Flexible Content Management System (CMS): Easily manage your blog’s content, thanks to Joomla’s versatility. 
  • Built-In Blogging Features: Enjoy convenient blogging features right out of the box.
  • Customizable Templates: Joomla offers thousands of high-quality templates so you can create attractive designs without touching a single line of code. 
  • Multilingual Support: Reach a wider audience with built-in multilingual capabilities.
  • Powerful User Management Options: Manage multiple users with ease and control.


Wix Homepage

Wix Homepage

Wix is famous for its drag-and-drop simplicity, making it perfect for beginners or those who aren’t as familiar with technical aspects. It offers a variety of stunning templates and integrated features, simplifying the process of setting up a blog. However, keep in mind that its customization options are more limited compared to other platforms. 

Top features: 

  • Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Editor: Wix’s user-friendly interface makes it a breeze to edit your blog’s layout, fonts, colors, and imagery.
  • Integrated Blogging Tools: Use Wix’s built-in tools to share your content on social media and automatically notify your email subscribers when you post.
  • SEO Features: Boost your blog’s visibility and reach the right people with advanced SEO tools built directly into your site. 
  • Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure your blog looks great on all devices.
  • Reliable Hosting Services: Wix offers advanced security monitoring, automatic setup, and a 99.9% uptime guarantee. 


Squarespace Homepage

Squarespace Homepage

Known for its beautiful designs and user-friendly interface, Squarespace is a great choice for bloggers who value aesthetics and want a polished, professional-looking website without having to worry about the technical details. However, you may find its customization options are more limited than other platforms. 

Top features: 

  • Stunning Templates: Take your pick from a variety of customizable templates designed specifically for blogging.
  • Integrated Analytics: Get insights into who’s visiting your blog and how it’s performing with built-in analytics.
  • Social Sharing Features: Share your content on social media with ease.
  • eCommerce Functionality: Monetize your blog by offering custom merchandise, creating subscriber-exclusive content, and selling digital services. 
  • 24/7 Customer Support: Get help whenever you need it with Squarespace’s reliable customer support.


Weebly Homepage

Weebly Homepage

Similar to Wix, Weebly is an easy-to-use platform that offers a drag-and-drop functionality. It’s perfect for beginners and small-scale bloggers who prioritize simplicity and ease of use over advanced features. However, it’s not as flexible or customizable as other platforms. 

Top features: 

  • Drag-and-Drop Website Builder: Customize your blog easily by dragging elements like text, images, and videos onto your page and dropping them exactly where you want them.
  • Blogging Features: Schedule posts and engage with your audience through commenting options.
  • Integrated SEO Tools: Improve your blog’s visibility and reach the right people.
  • Mobile-Responsive Designs: Ensure your blog looks great on all devices.
  • Reliable Hosting Services: Weebly’s free, dedicated hosting infrastructure ensures that your site loads fast and gives visitors a great experience.


Ghost Homepage

Ghost Homepage

Ghost is a minimalist platform designed specifically for bloggers and publishers. Its clean interface and focus on content make it perfect for writers who want to prioritize their writing without getting distracted by complex features. 

Top features: 

  • Markdown Support: Write without distractions using Markdown.
  • Email Newsletter Features: Grow your email list with built-in newsletter tools.
  • Membership and Subscription Options: Monetize your blog with membership and subscription options.
  • Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) support: Improve your blog’s loading times. 
  • Automatic Content Backups: Keep your content safe with automatic backups.


Substack Homepage

Substack Homepage

Compared to other blogging platforms, Substack is a unique choice because it’s mainly designed for newsletter publishing. With its straightforward setup and integrated payment options, Substack is perfect for bloggers who want to monetize their content through email subscriptions. However, it doesn’t let you customize your website like other blog hosting sites. 

Top features: 

  • Integrated Payment Processing: Easily monetize your content through subscription-based payments.
  • Customizable Email Newsletter Templates: Engage your readers with professional-looking newsletters.
  • Audience Engagement Analytics: Track your newsletter’s performance and audience engagement.
  • Content Gating: Offer premium content to paying subscribers.
  • Social Media Integration: Share your content easily on social media platforms.

Why WordPress is the Recommended Choice for Most Bloggers

While you can’t go wrong with any of the platforms we’ve covered above, WordPress is the ideal choice for most people, especially beginner bloggers. It offers the best balance of features, affordability, and user-friendliness compared to WordPress alternatives like Drupal and Joomla. 

Here are a few reasons why WordPress is the best platform for beginners and experienced bloggers alike: 

  • Blog-Specific Themes: A blog’s design is the first thing that captures a reader’s attention, so you’ll want to ensure it looks good. WordPress offers a wide variety of customizable, high-quality themes specifically designed for blogging. You can even design your own theme by selecting patterns to create your homepage layout and pairing it with premium colors and fonts. 
  • Vast Plugin Ecosystem: WordPress offers thousands of free plugins to enhance your blog’s functionality and improve the user experience. From anti-spam protection to SEO optimization, there’s a plugin for almost every need. Plus, you have the option to purchase premium plugins for even more advanced features. 
  • Native Gutenberg Editor: WordPress’ intuitive Gutenberg block editor makes it easy to create and format your content, even if you don’t have any technical experience. You can personalize every aspect of your blog to suit your preferences. 

Gutenberg Editor

WordPress Gutenberg Editor

The Role Your Hosting Provider Plays in Your Blogging Set-Up

While blogging platforms like Wix, Weebly, and Squarespace automatically host your website, others like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla require a separate hosting solution. This means you’ll need to buy a plan from a hosting provider, which will offer allocated server space to install your preferred blog hosting platform and set up your website. 

Though this might seem like an extra step, it’s actually an advantage, and it’s one of the reasons why we recommend choosing platforms like WordPress. 

Hosting providers specialize in optimizing server performance, ensuring fast page loading times, reliable uptime, and robust security measures. By hosting your blogging site with a reputable provider, you can get effortless integration, automatic updates, and dedicated support, freeing you from technical hassles and allowing you to focus on creating content. 

When you choose a hosting provider, you also get additional features and services tailored to bloggers, such as one-click software installation, domain registration, SSL certificates, automated backups, and advanced analytics tools. These features streamline the blogging process, enhance site functionality, and improve user experience, which contribute to the success and growth of your blog.

Another major consideration is scalability. As your blog grows, you’ll begin to receive more traffic, and your website should be able to handle it. Using a hosting provider with tiered plans ensures that bloggers can scale their resources up or down as required, ensuring that the blog can handle increased traffic without experiencing downtime or slow loading speeds.

“Hosting is a vital aspect of blogging that should not be overlooked. A reliable hosting provider can make a world of difference in terms of site speed, security, and user satisfaction.” 

– Corey Hammond, A2 Hosting

Host Your Blog with A2: Premium Hosting at Beginner-Friendly Prices

Blog Hosting page

A2 Hosting Blog Hosting Page

With A2 Hosting, you can bring your blog to life without worrying about the technical details. 

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced blogger, our shared web hosting plans are more than powerful enough to meet your needs, and they start at extremely low prices. If you’re set on using WordPress as your CMS, consider our managed WordPress hosting, which includes pre-installed WordPress and various WordPress-specific features such as the A2 Optimized plugin, which offers features such as CAPTCHA, image compression, and caching. 

Take a look at some of our standout features: 

  • Blazing-Fast Speed: Our Turbo Server options offer faster loading times, which are crucial for your blog’s success and SEO ranking. While new bloggers may not need a Turbo plan right away, it’s a great upgrade for sites experiencing high traffic.
  • Always Reliable: We offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee, so you can count on us to ensure your blog is always accessible to your readers. 
  • User-Friendly Dashboards: We make managing your blog a breeze. With cPanel offered on all managed plans, you can easily manage your emails, domains, and software installations. You also get a proprietary dashboard called TurboHub, which allows you to check your site health, get personalized recommendations to optimize your site, and manage plugins.
  • Regular Security Updates: We offer free SSL certificates to help you build trust with your readers, and we regularly update our servers with the latest security patches to protect your blog against potential threats and vulnerabilities. 

And, if anything goes wrong, our 24/7/365 in-house Guru Crew will be on hand to support you. 

One of our satisfied customers, Jairo A., said, “The customer service at A2 Hosting is amazing. Whenever I have a question, I can find the answer within minutes. The experience has always been pleasant, and I can’t recall a time when my server was down or had a problem. My website has always been up and running even in the middle of an outage, something none of my other competitors can do.”

Ready to start your blogging journey? Check out A2 Hosting’s blog hosting solutions today! 

Experience Reliable Hosting with our 99% Uptime guarantee .

Blog Hosting Platforms FAQs

Can you make money as a blogger? 

Absolutely! Many bloggers earn a living through their blogs by monetizing with ads, sponsored posts, affiliate marketing, or selling their own products or services. It takes time and effort to build a successful blog, but with dedication and a clear strategy, it’s possible to make a profit. 

What’s the difference between and

At their core, both are blogging Content Management Systems (CMS), but there are distinct differences between and is a self-hosted platform that offers more customization and flexibility, while is a fully-hosted platform that’s easier to get started with but has limited features. With, you have more control over your blog’s design, functionality, and monetization options. 

Which platform is best for blogging?

The best blogging platform will depend on your specific needs and goals. WordPress is a popular choice due to its flexibility, customization options, and a large community of users and developers. Other options include Wix, Squarespace, and Ghost. 

What is the best website to host a blog?

WordPress powers more than 40% of websites, so it’s a highly recommended choice. To host a WordPress blog, you’ll need to choose a hosting provider that offers reliable and secure hosting services.

With A2 Hosting, you can pick between shared web hosting and managed WordPress hosting. Managed WordPress hosting is a great choice if your site receives a lot of traffic and you prefer a hands-off approach to backend management.

Are there free blog hosting sites?

Yes, there are free blog hosting sites like Blogger, Medium, and However, these platforms have limitations in terms of customization, monetization, and control over your blog’s design and functionality. A2 Hosting offers affordable hosting plans that provide more control and flexibility, as well as the ability to monetize your blog and grow your audience.

What blog platform has the most traffic?

WordPress is the most popular blogging platform and has a large community of users and developers. This means that there are more resources and plugins available to help you optimize your blog for search engines and drive traffic to your site. 

A2 Hosting offers managed WordPress hosting plans that make it easy to set up and manage your self-hosted WordPress blog. Our hosting plans are also optimized for WordPress to ensure fast loading times and reliable performance.

The post Essential Features to Look for in Blogging Platforms appeared first on The A2 Posting.

Unlocking the Power of Effective Business Email Hosting for 2024 Thu, 06 Jun 2024 18:49:34 +0000 If you own or manage a small business, you know how important email is for communication. It’s essential to have a professional and reliable email service that meets your business …

The post Unlocking the Power of Effective Business Email Hosting for 2024 appeared first on The A2 Posting.

If you own or manage a small business, you know how important email is for communication. It’s essential to have a professional and reliable email service that meets your business needs, but finding the best email hosting for small businesses can be hard. So, how do you choose the perfect email hosting service that fits your budget and has all the essential features? 

As hosting experts, we’ve created this guide just for you. Join us as we explore email hosting options and discuss key factors for your business’s success. Let’s make the right choice together!

How email hosting facilitates operations for small businesses

Email hosting is a specialized hosting service that operates email servers, offering a premium alternative to the basic email services provided by free email providers like Gmail, Yahoo Mail, or

Unlike free or cheap email hosting for small businesses that are supported by advertising and offer limited customization, paid email hosting services are often used by businesses that require more control, customization, and professionalism in their email services.

For example, if you wanted to have a custom domain name like rather than a generic one – for example,, you need email hosting. 

The adoption of custom domain names through email hosting gives you a sense of professionalism and credibility in small business communications. This simple yet effective feature can improve your professional image, instilling trust in clients and partners. Other ways email hosting can improve small business operations include:

  • Improved collaboration and communication: Improving teamwork and communication in small businesses is easier with email hosting, which consolidates all communication on one platform, promoting collaboration and preventing important messages from being missed. Email services might also include features that facilitate collaboration, such as A2’s shareable calendars or universal contact lists.
  • Efficiency: An often-overlooked aspect is the efficiency gained through features like ample storage capacity. As your business grows, you’ll expect a larger influx of emails coming in from clients or partners, and you need a hosting solution that can deal with this influx effortlessly!
  • Security: High-quality hosting services usually come with encryption, spam protection, and privacy policies, which help small businesses withstand potential security breaches. This added layer of security is essential for keeping sensitive business information safe and maintaining client trust.
  • Reliability: Email hosting ensures high uptime, providing consistent access to communication tools. This reliability is important for maintaining client communication and protecting your business’ reputation.
  • Automation and integration: Email hosts, equipped with automated features and integration capabilities, elevate productivity by streamlining workflows. For instance, small businesses can automate routine tasks such as automatic contact importing from other email services. Integration capabilities allow connection with other tools and platforms, such as project management software or customer relationship management (CRM) systems, enabling efficient data sharing and collaboration across various applications.

The difference between free and affordable email hosting

As a small business or new entrepreneur, any expense can be intimidating, and understandably, you may lean toward using free email hosting. However, free email services may not be the best decision for several reasons.

Free email services, commonly provided by giants like Google and Yahoo, initially lure businesses with an appealing price tag – or lack thereof! However, the apparent cost-saving advantages of free email services come with inherent limitations. 

While there’s no upfront cost, businesses compromise on data security and face potential risks associated with using generic domains. These limitations include very limited storage capacity, which can quickly become problematic, and the perception by many users that a business using a generic domain is suspicious.

On the other hand, choosing affordable, paid business email hosting presents many advantages tailored to small businesses. 

  • The use of custom domains imparts a professional look, creating trust signals among clients and partners. 
  • With substantially greater storage space, businesses can manage larger volumes of emails efficiently, which is a must with large email marketing campaigns
  • Advanced security features, including encryption and robust spam filters, fortify the business against cyber threats. 


Small businesses also benefit from business-specific features like calendar sharing and resource scheduling, which boost overall productivity. Plus, having dedicated customer support ensures quick problem-solving, giving small businesses a reliable lifeline!

Free email hosting may seem appealing, but small businesses should opt for affordable, paid options. Investing in these options brings benefits such as a more professional image, improved security, and a range of features that make business operations more efficient.

Understanding types of email hosting

Shared email hosting

A2 Hosting is an example of a web hosting provider that offers shared email hosting. This service allows businesses to share server resources with other users, reducing expenses. 

The main benefit of this is its simplicity, as the service provider takes care of setup, maintenance, and server management. By choosing shared email hosting, your business can benefit from secure and cost-effective email hosting with high uptime without worrying about technical maintenance as you would with self-hosting!

Third-party email hosting

Third-party email hosting involves outsourcing services to specialized providers like Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. These services extend beyond basic email features, offering organizational tools and managing server-related aspects. While providing a suite of services, third-party hosting can become cost-prohibitive for smaller businesses. 

It is also worth mentioning that these providers may implement price hikes, as seen in Google Workspace’s 20% increase in February 2024, including for existing customers. The advantages include advanced features and tools, but businesses must carefully weigh the costs associated with these expansive services.

Self-hosted email hosting

Self-hosted email hosting is when a business manages its own email servers. This model offers a high degree of control and customization, along with potential long-term cost savings. 

However, it’s an option that requires expert technical knowledge, dedicated maintenance resources, and a strong commitment to security and uptime. While self-hosting provides complete control, businesses need to assess whether they are actually capable of taking on this.

Email hosting features to supercharge your business

You’ve likely been using email for your business for a while now. Perhaps you’ve found yourself using your personal account for work or dealing with reliability issues from your current provider. But don’t worry – there’s a better way forward with A2 Hosting. With us, you can have features like:

Custom domains for brand authenticity

Using personal email addresses for business purposes or relying on free email services with generic domains can compromise the professional image of your brand. The implementation of a custom domain not only imparts a sense of professionalism but also boosts brand integrity, fostering trust and recognition among customers!

Along with aesthetic enhancements, custom domains play an important role in improving email deliverability, diminishing the likelihood of messages being diverted to spam folders – particularly amidst high email volumes. A2 Hosting amplifies this advantage by offering the capacity to dispatch up to 1000 emails daily, ensuring reliable delivery!

Added security

Protecting your business from cyber threats is essential. With the rise of phishing attempts, malware attachments, and unauthorized access, the risks are huge. Protecting your business against potential breaches is a necessity.

Imagine the consequences of a data breach: sensitive customer information compromised, financial loss, and damage to your reputation. As a small business owner, the implications can be particularly dire. That’s why investing in efficient email security measures is essential to fortify your defenses and keep your business safe!

A reliable email host should offer high-quality security features such as data encryption, malware scanners, and effective spam filters.

Increased inbox storage

Free email services often come with limitations on storage, risking important emails not getting through. A2 Hosting offers up to 30GB per account, ensuring ample space for your communication needs.

Overview of email account storage in an A2 email hosting account

Along with this, A2 Hosting protects your emails by keeping copies across multiple availability zones, providing peace of mind for compliance with record-keeping requirements.

High number of email accounts

Whether you’re a solo entrepreneur or leading a growing team, having dedicated email addresses for different functions is essential. A2 Hosting allows you to set up unlimited email addresses, ensuring scalability as your business expands.

Creating a new email account with A2’s email hosting

Uptime reliability

Businesses cannot afford interruptions in email communication. A2 Hosting guarantees email uptime by implementing n+3 redundancy on each component and service across multiple data centers, providing a strong infrastructure for uninterrupted operations.


Email is the lifeblood of business communication, making reliable support crucial. A2 Hosting’s Guru Crew support operates 24/7, 365 days a year, ensuring assistance whenever you need it!

SSL, POP3, and IMAP support

Benefit from a secure and versatile email experience with A2 Hosting’s advanced features. Our implementation of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) ensures that your data transfers remain encrypted, providing a secure environment for your communications. The support for both POP3 (Post Office Protocol 3) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) enhances the flexibility of accessing your emails from various devices.

Configuring a desktop app via IMAP or POP

Here’s how it works: POP3 allows you to download your emails to a single device, providing offline access, while IMAP synchronizes your emails across multiple devices, keeping them updated in real time. 

This means that whether you’re at your desk, on the go with your smartphone, or using a tablet, your email experience remains seamless and consistent. A2 Hosting’s email hosting is designed to adapt to your dynamic needs, ensuring that you can access your emails effortlessly from any device at any time.

Calendar functionality

To improve productivity, A2 Hosting’s email calendar is a great feature for scheduling and planning. It serves as a personal organizer and a collaborative tool that can be shared with team members. Oh, and it is compatible with popular email platforms! 

Configurable mobile and desktop apps

The ability to check emails on the go is essential, which is why A2 Hosting provides configurable mobile and desktop apps that allow remote workers and traveling professionals to manage emails efficiently.

Comparing the top email hosting providers for small businesses

Choosing the right email hosting provider is an important decision for small businesses, influencing communication efficiency, security, and overall operational success. But which should you choose? Let’s take a look.

A2 Hosting

A2’s email hosting service powered by Titan

A2 Hosting is an excellent option for small businesses looking for affordable and feature-packed email hosting. Powered by leading email service Titan, A2 Hosting’s email service offers strong features and excellent server power and support. These features include:

  • Custom domain name: Show your professionalism with a personalized domain that reflects your brand identity.
  • 99.9% uptime guarantee: Count on A2 Hosting’s reliable servers to keep your emails accessible around the clock, ensuring uninterrupted communication with your clients and team members.
  • Multi-account access: Say goodbye to the hassle of juggling multiple email accounts. With A2 Hosting, managing all your email accounts is easy! This will modernize your workflow and boost productivity.
  • Configurable webmail and mobile app: Whether you’re at your desk or on the move, you can access your emails from anywhere. With configurable webmail and a user-friendly mobile app, staying connected has never been easier.
  • Email migration with IMAP support: Transition to A2 Hosting without losing your precious emails. Our IMAP support ensures that your emails, contacts, and folders are migrated so you can hit the ground running with minimal disruption.
  • Shareable contacts: Adopt collaboration and update communication with shareable contact lists. With A2 Hosting, your team can easily access and update contact information, ensuring everyone stays on the same page.
  • Undo and fix emails: Have you ever hit send and immediately regretted it? With A2 Hosting, you have the power to undo and fix sent emails, giving you greater control over your communication.
  • 24/7 Guru Crew support: Need a hand? Our dedicated Guru Crew is here for you 24/7, ready to assist with any email-related issues or queries you may have, ensuring peace of mind and uninterrupted productivity.
  • High inbox storage: Never worry about running out of space again. With generous inbox storage capacity, you can store all your essential emails without constraints, keeping your inbox organized and clutter-free.
  • Calendar integration: Stay on top of your schedule with integrated calendar features. With A2 Hosting, you can manage appointments, meetings, and deadlines, ensuring you never miss a thing!
  • Support for SSL, POP3, and IMAP: A2 Hosting supports SSL encryption, POP3, and IMAP protocols, ensuring flexible and secure email access and protecting sensitive information.
  • Filtering: With A2 Hosting, you can easily manage and prioritize incoming emails, ensuring that you stay focused on what matters most.

A2’s email hosting My Settings dashboard

Google Workspace


Google Workspace homepage

Google Workspace homepage

Google Workspace, formerly known as G Suite, provides email hosting and offers a variety of collaborative tools like Google Docs, Sheets, and Meet. It’s a go-to choice for many businesses, big and small. But here’s the catch: while Google Workspace offers fantastic features, it comes at a cost.

So, let’s break it down. Google Workspace isn’t a free service; it’s a paid subscription that grants access to various tools and services. With your subscription, you get professional email hosting through Gmail, along with an array of productivity tools to update your workflow.

Google Workspace could be tempting to small businesses, but as we’ve mentioned, it has a history of implementing price hikes. This could result in small businesses needing to raise their email budget regularly, which is not ideal.


Google Workspace homepage

Rackspace homepage

Rackspace is known for its scalable hosting, tailored to meet the needs of all businesses. It also provides reliable email hosting.

Rackspace’s email hosting service typically includes features such as customizable email addresses, spam and virus protection, and ample storage space. It also often provides advanced security measures and round-the-clock support to ensure uninterrupted email communication for its clients.

For smaller businesses or those with more modest email hosting needs, Rackspace’s cost factor and comprehensive feature set may be less appealing than other options tailored specifically to their requirements. Therefore, it’s important to carefully evaluate your business’s needs and budget before choosing Rackspace or any other email hosting provider.


Neo homepage

Neo homepage

Neo prioritizes simple email services, making it an ideal choice for small businesses looking for hassle-free email hosting solutions. Its user-friendly interface ensures ease of use, allowing businesses to manage their email accounts efficiently.

However, while Neo is great at simplicity, it may lack some of the more advanced features offered by its competitors. For instance, compared to other providers, Neo may not offer as robust integration options with third-party applications or advanced security features like encryption for sensitive emails. Businesses requiring complex email automation or extensive customization capabilities might find Neo’s feature set somewhat limited.

Zoho Mail

Zoho Mail homepage

Zoho Mail integrates email hosting with a suite of powerful collaboration tools, making it a compelling choice for businesses looking for comprehensive solutions. Beyond just email, Zoho Mail offers a range of collaborative features designed to enhance productivity and streamline communication.

Among these tools are Zoho Docs, which provides document creation, editing, and sharing capabilities similar to Google Docs. Zoho Mail also includes Zoho Calendar for scheduling and organizing events, as well as Zoho Meeting for conducting virtual meetings and webinars. What makes Zoho Mail truly comprehensive is its ability to centralize essential business functions within a single platform. With integrated email, document management, scheduling, and meeting capabilities, Zoho Mail lets businesses collaborate more efficiently and effectively.

However, like Google Workspace, the pricing structure of Zoho Mail may present challenges for smaller budgets – despite them having a free trial. While it offers a lot of features, businesses with limited financial resources may find it difficult to justify the cost compared to more budget-friendly alternatives. 

Microsoft 365


Microsoft 365 homepage

Microsoft 365 homepage

Microsoft 365, a household name, provides much more than just email hosting. With a suite of applications, it’s a go-to choice for businesses deeply integrated into Microsoft’s ecosystem.

At the core of Microsoft 365 is its email hosting service, powered by Outlook. Beyond email, businesses benefit from a wide range of productivity tools such as Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Teams, facilitating collaboration and productivity across teams and departments.

What sets Microsoft 365 apart is its integration with other Microsoft services and applications, creating a unified and cohesive work environment. From document editing and sharing to video conferencing and project management, Microsoft 365 offers a complete solution for businesses looking to streamline their operations.

However, while Microsoft 365 is undeniably powerful, its pricing may pose challenges for smaller enterprises with tighter budgets. Microsoft also works very closely with its own systems, so if you aren’t familiar with them, this may be a learning curve for you.

Upgrade your business email hosting with A2 Hosting

Upgrade your business communication by using professional email hosting for small businesses. Trust us, it’s a game-changer you won’t regret spending some of your budget on.

With A2 Hosting, you’ll have access to a wide array of features, fail-safe reliability, and 24/7 support, all at an affordable rate that won’t break the bank –if you ask us, it’s a no-brainer.

See, it’s not just about emails anymore; it’s about unlocking your business’s full potential through communication. And with A2 Hosting, you’re getting a partner to help you along the way. Upgrade to A2 Hosting’s email hosting service now to make the right decision for your business!

Experience Reliable Hosting with our 99% Uptime guarantee .

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Introducing TurboHub – Transform Your WordPress Experience Fri, 31 May 2024 14:13:06 +0000 We are thrilled to launch our newest innovation: our WordPress control panel, TurboHub! Our Legacy of Speed and Performance At A2 Hosting, we have built a strong reputation in the …

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We are thrilled to launch our newest innovation: our WordPress control panel, TurboHub!

Our Legacy of Speed and Performance

At A2 Hosting, we have built a strong reputation in the web hosting industry as leaders in speed and performance. Our commitment to providing the fastest, most reliable hosting solutions has always been our top priority. And that is why we developed TurboHub. It not only helps speed up site performance, but it also streamlines managing your WordPress sites.

What is TurboHub?

TurboHub is our state-of-the-art WordPress control panel that makes WordPress sites faster than ever! It’s an essential tool that allows individual site owners to improve performance, site health, and security. And the multi-site dashboard simplifies the workflow for agencies and developers. From a single control panel, you can monitor and maintain all of your sites, creating a seamless and more efficient WordPress experience.

Features of TurboHub

Site Performance Optimizations

TurboHub’s comprehensive metrics help you gain in-depth insights into your site’s performance. It highlights top recommendations and allows for one-click changes to boost performance.

Performance Optimization shown inside TurboHub
Performance Optimization Feature Inside TurboHub

Single-Click Multi-Site Management

Managing multiple WordPress sites has never been easier. With TurboHub, you can see all your sites from a single location, making updates and performance checks a breeze. This is particularly valuable for agencies and developers handling numerous client sites.

TurboHub - Site Management
View multiple sites and make changes with a single-click with TurboHub

Site Health Monitoring

Keep your websites in peak condition with our site health monitoring tool! This is perfect for agencies and site owners with multiple websites and gives you an at-a-glance view of a site’s status to help you maintain smooth and secure operations effortlessly. Monitoring and maintaining multiple sites has never been easier!

Check websites for any status risks or warnings

Security Vulnerability

Through our partnership with Patchstack, we also alert you to high-priority plugin vulnerabilities so your site is never at risk. With the ability to see site risk at a glance, it helps you keep everything running smoothly and securely.

TurboHub -Security Vulnerability Alert
Alert for security vulnerability feature in TurboHub

Other features to enhance your WordPress experience:

  • Quick access to all of your WordPress sites.
  • Grant access to users managing your account or request access to sites you manage for others.
  • Automate plugin updates for each site.
  • Site notes to enable easy communication between team members or companies.
  • Quick access to databases, files, and email.
  • Status information that lets you know your sites are online and running, including SSL, domain, and nameserver status.
  • Ability to hide sites from search engines while under construction.
  • Ability to place sites in maintenance mode during edits.

How Do I Get TurboHub?

TurboHub is now available free for all WordPress sites on our Managed WordPress, Managed VPS, and Shared plans. By choosing one of our plans, you instantly gain access to TurboHub and can start experiencing the benefits of a faster, more efficient WordPress site. TurboHub can be conveniently accessed through your MyA2 panel.

Don’t have an A2 plan, take advantage of our low prices and get started with TurboHub today!

Stay Tuned for More

TurboHub is constantly growing and evolving. We have an exciting roadmap ahead of us with many new features and improvements planned! At A2 we are dedicated to providing our users with the best tools available, and we encourage you to stay tuned for future updates on how TurboHub can help speed up and secure your website.

What’s Next for TurboHub?

A few items on our TurboHub roadmap that will help us achieve our goal of providing WordPress professionals with fast setup, fast websites, and fast support:

  • A2 Intelligent Performance – Leverages advanced AI technology to automatically optimize your site’s performance. Easily monitor load times, uptime, and other critical performance indicators to ensure your site is always performing at its best. This will help you make informed decisions to continuously improve your site’s speed and reliability.
  • A2 AI assistant inside WordPress – Helps you write content, generate images, and answer common WordPress questions.
  • Enhanced Staging – Records changes to staging or live sites and lets them be pushed live or pulled back to staging.


Get started with an A2 Hosting plan today and get access to this new amazing tool and enhance your WordPress experience!


Experience Reliable Hosting with our 99% Uptime guarantee .


The post Introducing TurboHub – Transform Your WordPress Experience appeared first on The A2 Posting.

Bolster Your Site’s Security with Effective SSL Certificate Control Mon, 27 May 2024 12:26:01 +0000 As a website owner, you’re likely well aware of the importance of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates in ensuring the safe transfer of data. Not only do they protect your …

The post Bolster Your Site’s Security with Effective SSL Certificate Control appeared first on The A2 Posting.

As a website owner, you’re likely well aware of the importance of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificates in ensuring the safe transfer of data. Not only do they protect your users’ information, but they also build trust in online interactions by verifying your website’s legitimacy. 

But let’s face it – managing SSL certificates can be overwhelming. From keeping tabs on expiration dates to securing various subdomains, there’s a lot to consider. That’s why we’ve put together this guide to simplify the complexities of SSL certificate management. 

Whether you’re getting your first certificate or want to ensure timely renewals for your current one, we’ll walk you through every step of the SSL certificate lifecycle. We’ll also discuss how choosing the right hosting provider, such as A2 Hosting, can make SSL certificate management a breeze. Let’s get into it! 

What is SSL Certificate Management?

SSL certificate management is the process of acquiring, deploying, and maintaining SSL/Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates, which are crucial for securing data transfer between a user’s browser and a website server. 

These digital certificates act as digital guardians, ensuring that information exchanged between users and websites remains encrypted and protected. Additionally, this process provides a digital identity card for websites, validating their legitimacy. 


example of a ssl certificate

SSL certificate example

Why is SSL Certificate Management Important?

SSL certificate management plays a crucial role on many fronts. For website owners, it’s about giving your domain the necessary credentials to encrypt and validate your website’s identity. This builds user trust and provides your visitors with immediate peace of mind when they see the reassuring padlock symbol next to the URL in their browser. This symbol is like a digital handshake that assures them that their sensitive information is safe and sound. 

Screenshot of SSL certificate

A2 Hosting SSL certificates

Since July 2018, Google Chrome has marked sites without SSL as “not secure”, which can potentially scare off visitors who are wary of sharing personal data on such sites. The good news is that almost every website has SSL certificates these days and for a valid reason.

They boost your site’s reputation and Search Engine Optimization (SEO), while also ensuring compliance with essential data protection regulations like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). It’s crucial to keep your SSL certificate up-to-date, as letting it expire can lead to loss of customer trust, expose you to data breaches, and even lead to penalties for regulatory non-compliance.

However, managing SSL certificates can be daunting, especially if you’re handling multiple websites. To stay on top of things, you have to navigate through a variety of challenges, such as: 

  • Expiration and Renewal Tracking: Periodically monitor the validity to ensure your website isn’t caught with an expired certificate. 
  • Certification Installation and Configuration: Ensure certificates are installed properly across platforms. 
  • Security Compliance: Follow global standards to avoid legal and financial penalties. 
  • Key Management: Safeguard the pair of public and private keys used in SSL/TLS certificates. 
  • Continuous Monitoring: Keep an eye out for any vulnerabilities in certificate behavior. 

Manual vs. Automated SSL Certificate Management

While it’s possible to manage your SSL certificates manually, this can be a time-consuming option that leaves room for oversights and errors, potentially compromising the security of your website. 

In contrast, automated SSL certificate management takes minimal effort. The system handles all the nitty-gritty details to safeguard your website against vulnerabilities, whether that means managing timely updates or sticking to top-tier security protocols. 

Here are some of the pros and cons of manual versus automated SSL certificate management: 


Manual SSL Certificate Management  Automated SSL Certificate Management 
Pros Provides control over the management process. Minimal effort required; processes are streamlined.
No reliance on external systems. Automation reduces the risk of human error.
Can be suitable for smaller-scale operations. Guarantees timely renewals with system-generated prompts.
Cons Substantial time and effort required. Dependent on external systems for automation.
Higher potential for human error. Initial setup may require technical expertise.
Renewals are reliant on manual tracking and could be prone to oversights. Less control compared to manual management for some users.

Understanding the Core Steps of the SSL Certificate Lifecycle

Each stage of the SSL certificate lifecycle plays a crucial role in ensuring secure online transactions. Let’s take a look at the core steps:  

Certificate Signing Request (CSR) Generation

The first step is to generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR), which includes basic information about your website and its security needs. This step requires prior arrangements, such as securing a valid domain and ensuring access to the server.

Certificate Enrollment

Next, the CSR is sent to a Certificate Authority (CA) for enrollment. The CA may require verification of the entity’s identity before issuing the certificate. 

Identity Verification

The CA will then verify your identity to make sure you’re the real deal. This may involve verifying your entity’s domain ownership, legal identity, or other relevant information. This step is crucial for building trust in your online presence.

Certificate Issuance

Once your identity is verified, the CA issues the SSL certificate, which is digitally signed to establish trustworthiness.  

Certificate Installation

Now, it’s time to put your SSL certificate to good use by installing it on your website’s server. This involves configuring the server to use the certificate for securing communications. 

Certificate Usage

Once active, the SSL certificate encrypts data transmitted between the server and users’ devices via HTTPS, which further strengthens your security measures. 

Certificate Renewal

SSL certificates have a limited validity period, typically capped at 13 months. However, Google recently announced its intention to reduce the validity of TLS certifications to 90 days. Although the decision isn’t confirmed yet, it highlights the need for website owners to stay on top of evolving industry standards. 

Certificate Revocation

In rare cases, such as if you have a compromised private key, you may need to revoke your SSL certificate before it expires. CAs use lists like a Certificate Revocation List (CRL) or an Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) service to inform clients that a certificate is no longer valid.

Key Pair Updates

From time to time, you may need to update your cryptographic key pairs for security reasons. This process involves generating a new key pair, creating a new CSR, and going through the enrollment process again. 

End of Lifecycle (Expiry)

When an SSL certificate expires, it loses its validity. Clients may no longer trust the expired certificate, and you will need to replace it with a new, valid certificate as soon as possible to continue maintaining a secure online presence. 

What Types of TLS/SSL Certificates Exist?


Types of SSL options A2 Hosting Offers

A2 Hosting SSL certificates page

Depending on what your site does and the kind of information it handles, there are several different types of SSL certificates you can choose from. These include:  

Basic SSL (DV)

As the name suggests, Basic Domain Validation (DV) SSL certificates are your go-to for basic security needs. If you’re running a personal blog or a small site that doesn’t deal with much sensitive data, a DV certificate might be all you need. 

They’re affordable and can often be issued within minutes or hours. There’s only one catch: they don’t tell your visitors anything about who is behind the site. These certificates only verify the ownership of the domain, providing basic encryption and validation. 

Premium SSL (OV)

Organization Validation (OV) SSL certificates confirm that you own your domain and also verify the existence of your organization. This involves confirming the organization’s legal status and physical address. 

Justin Mazzi, A2’s Chief Technology Officer, says “While getting an OV SSL certificate might take a bit more time and effort than obtaining a DV certificate, it’s worth it for the added trust. When visitors click on the secure site indicator, they can see your company’s verified name. This level of validation works well for small-to-medium-sized businesses and eCommerce websites that want to boost their credibility and trustworthiness.”

Advanced SSL (EV)

Extended Validation (EV) SSL certificates provide the highest level of validation and trust. These certificates go through a rigorous verification process, which includes checks on your organization’s legal, physical, and operational existence. EV certificates are particularly important for large corporations and businesses handling highly sensitive information.

Enterprise SSL (EV)

Large organizations with substantial online transactions and data traffic require something even more robust. Enterprise SSL certificates are the ideal option here. They offer higher levels of validation and come with additional features and services, such as extended warranties and enhanced customer support, suitable for enterprise-level operations.

Wildcard SSL

Imagine having one key that unlocks every door in a building. That’s what wildcard SSL certificates offer organizations managing multiple subdomains under a single domain name. Just one wildcard SSL certificate can secure an unlimited number of subdomains.

Although these certificates are more expensive than a basic SSL certificate, it’s still a cost-effective option for websites with various subdomains. 

Another major advantage is that it’s easy to manage wildcard SSL certificates compared to keeping track of ten expiration dates for ten different SSL certificates. However, despite the many benefits, it’s important to remember that if the main certificate is compromised, all connected subdomains could also be at risk. 

The Role Your Web Host Plays in SSL Certificate Management

Managing SSL certificates is no easy feat, but the web host you choose can make a world of difference. An ideal web host offers several benefits, such as: 

Convenience and Ease of Use

An effective web host can take convenience to a whole new level by offering automated SSL management features. 

Picture this: you log into your hosting dashboard, and with just a few clicks, you can issue, renew, and monitor your SSL certificates. A user-friendly interface with automated features means that even if you don’t have the best technical abilities, keeping your site secure can be easy and efficient. 


The web hosting marketplace is highly competitive, so we get it if sticking to your budget is your main priority.

These days, SSL certificates are often included as part of a broader hosting package. This bundled option can save you money and allows you to manage your site’s security through one platform. 

Plus, given that SSL/TLS standards are always changing, it can be useful to have the flexibility to adjust or upgrade your bundled services without making a significant dent in your wallet. 

Customer support availability

Let’s say your SSL certificate stops working because of a configuration issue. This is a high-pressure situation that requires immediate attention. That’s why it’s essential to have round-the-clock access to customer support. 

Having someone to help, whether through live chat, phone, or email, can resolve technical issues quickly, protect your online reputation, and keep your day-to-day operations running smoothly. 

A2 Hosting: A Top Choice for SSL Certificate Management


A2 Hosting Homepage

A2 Hosting homepage

If you’re looking for a stress-free SSL certificate management experience, A2 has got your back. We offer a wide range of SSL certificate options that are affordable, quick to set up, and make HTTPS implementation easy. We’re serious about protecting your site’s security, which is why we offer several standout benefits, like: 

A Free SSL Certificate Included in Every Plan 

From the get-go, we make sure your site is as secure as it can be. With every one of our hosting plans, even our most cost-effective ones, we offer a free SSL certificate that’s automatically set up and renewed for your domain. 

This guarantees a secure, trustworthy connection from the moment your website goes live. But that’s not all. Beyond just setting up and taking care of your SSL certificate renewals, we ensure it’s effectively integrated into your overall site security strategy to protect your site and visitors from any security threats. 

Upgrade With Premium SSL Options

As your website grows, your security needs may change. Luckily, we’ve got a suite of premium SSL options to meet more demanding security requirements. 

Our premium SSL option offers enhanced security with OV certificates and dynamic site seals, whereas our advanced SSL option features enterprise-grade EV certificates with the highest warranties. With both of these options, you get reliable security at affordable prices. 

Additionally, when it’s time to renew your certificate, you can count on us to remind you well in advance. 

Various SSL Provider Options

Finding a reliable web host is the most important first step. That’s why we offer SSL certificates from trusted names like RapidSSL, GeoTrust, and DigiCert

Every provider brings something unique to the table, giving you the utmost control and flexibility to find the perfect match for your website’s needs. 

Benefit From Multi-Year Pricing

All of our SSL products come with multi-year SSL coverage plans lasting up to three years. This means extended protection, fewer worries about needing to purchase a new certificate every year, and more time to dedicate to your core business operations. Not to mention, opting for our multi-year SSL certificate pricing saves you money in the long run. 

Access to SSL Certificate Management Tools

We’ve simplified SSL certificate management down to a fine art with our cPanel interface. Here’s how you can gain control over your entire SSL lifecycle without having to juggle multiple tools or external services: 

  • Viewing Certificates: Access your SSL dashboard to check active and pending certificates. 
  • Installing Certificates: Easily add new certificates to your domain. All you need to do is log into your cPanel account, click the “Autoinstall SSL” icon, and follow the guided steps. 
  • Renewing Certificates: Keep an eye out for an expiration notice in your email, which will remind you to purchase and install a new SSL certificate before the old one expires.
  • Removing Certificates: To remove expired or unused certificates, log into your cPanel account, open the SSL/TLS tool, and under CERTIFICATES (CRT), click “delete SSL certificate.” 

Streamline Your SSL Certificate Management With A2 Hosting

Securing your website with an SSL certificate is essential for protecting your visitors and maintaining their trust. That’s where choosing the right web hosting partner, like A2 Hosting, becomes crucial. We simplify the SSL certificate management process, ensuring your website is secure, and your mind is at ease. 

Whether you’re running a small business or heading a large multinational company, we’ve got a wide variety of managed SSL service options for you. Besides, we know that security should be uncomplicated and accessible, which is why we include a free basic SSL certificate in all of our hosting plans. 

Thanks to our comprehensive cPanel licenses, managing your SSL certificates is straightforward. You have the autonomy to install, renew, and manage your certificates with just a few clicks. Plus, you can always count on us to send you timely reminders when your SSL certificate is about to expire, so you’re never caught unawares. 

At A2 Hosting, we’re all about taking the hassle out of SSL certificate management, so you can focus on what’s important: running your website and business. With our easy-to-use cPanel, automatic renewal reminders, managed SSL service, and a range of SSL certificates, we promise that securing your site will be effortless.

Choose from our SSL certificate plans today to experience the A2 difference! 

The post Bolster Your Site’s Security with Effective SSL Certificate Control appeared first on The A2 Posting.
