If you are a Magento user, you’re probably well aware of the fact there is a beta version of Magento 2 currently available. Since this is a beta version, you won’t want to upgrade your production site quite yet. However since this beta version will eventually lead to a stable version, now is as good of a time as any to start planning your upgrade. That way you can get the fastest and most secure version when Magento 2 becomes available.
Continue ReadingIn previous blog posts, including our comparison of HHVM vs PHPNG, we talk about how PHP 7 typically beats HHVM by up to 20% and it is up to 100% faster than PHP 5.6 (even though we do need to run our own performance comparisons here at A2 Hosting). These numbers are definitely provide a nice broad overview of the dramatic performance boost and memory efficiency enhancements offered by PHP 7.
Continue ReadingRecently, one of our most requested features has been for Turbo Reseller Hosting. This is understandable considering we offer Turbo Servers, featuring up to 20X faster page loads, on our Web Hosting, Managed VPS, VPS Hosting and Dedicated Hosting packages. Our Reseller Hosting customers were requesting that they get the boost provided by Turbo as well. Your requests were received loud and clear. We have launched Turbo Reseller Hosting!
Continue ReadingThis week Google announced new mobile based criteria which will affect your search result ranking for users searching from a mobile device. This makes sense, Google wants to return higher quality mobile pages to users on mobile devices. But it means if pages on your site aren’t responsive or the responsive design doesn’t meet Google’s criteria, you may see those pages drop in the results.
Continue ReadingIn 2014 Matt Mullenweg, founder of Automattic, announced a plan to ensure the growth and stability of WordPress in the future as a free open source platform with ‘Five for the Future’. Essentially any company deriving revenue from WordPress should concentrate 5% of their time and energy generally devoted to WordPress related work to helping improve WordPress Core. “Improving WordPress Core” is a very generalized statement, it can encompass anything from developing for WordPress, documenting WordPress, training the community or even responding to questions in the WP forum.
Continue ReadingAs we rolled out our Turbo Servers option for our Web Hosting customers, our VPS and Dedicated customers contacted us asking, “What about us?”. We’re excited to announce our Turbo Boost option on our VPS Hosting, Managed VPS Hosting and Dedicated Servers.
Continue ReadingFrom time to time, our support team receives the following question:
Continue ReadingIt shouldn’t come as a surprise WordPress users really care about page load speed and website security. After all, page load speed impacts everything from your bounce rates, conversion rates, page views and Google rankings. On the security side, over 10 million websites are hacked each year and the total cost to fix those hacks are rapidly escalating.
Continue ReadingWhen searching through all of the potential plugins to install on your WordPress site, you may notice that many of the popular plugins have to do with security. This may seem very tempting to let a plugin handle all of your security needs for your site but, security plugins forget one important fact about the web: if your site is too slow for people to navigate it, people won’t visit your site.
Continue ReadingWordPress is a pretty straightforward content management system (CMS) for blogging. It’s fairly quick out of the box, but WordPress has a community of developers that have made plugins to allow WordPress to do pretty much anything you want. The downside of having so many options for plugins is that we, as webmasters, tend to want to install every plugin we can get our hands on.
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